The Martin Chambers Singers are comprised of the top students in the Martin choral program. The program has a total of 360 students involved in 12 performing
organizations. Among the 35 members in Chamber Singers, the students are involved in band, orchestra, theatre, athletics, student council and many different clubs on campus. Ninety percent of the students in Chamber are in AP classes, and take courses at either the CTC or CVPA.
Martin Choirs have performed at four TMEA conventions (1995, 2005, 2008, 2016) and three National ACDA conventions (1997, 2005, 2013), Carnegie Hall (2006,
2016) Lincoln Center (2012) and in 2019 London, England. Martin Choirs consistently earn UIL sweepstakes each year and have students named to the prestigious Texas All-State Choirs.
The Martin Chamber Singers are directed by Kay Owens, Jocelyn Epley, and Sheridan White.