What do singing and basketball have in common? The Star-Spangled Banner.
That’s how I first heard about Schola Cantorum of Texas (now the Ft. Worth Chorale) in the spring of 1984. My husband went to a Mavericks game with 2 friends. One of the men, Rick Hill (a long-time member of Schola), sang along with the Star-Spangled Banner, Matt told him that his wife was also a singer, Rick told him that I should audition for this choir, and the rest is history. Fast forward 37 years, and I’m now saying good-bye to performing with the FW Chorale.
I have enjoyed every note of every concert during my tenure and have learned so much from all of the fabulous directors: Dr. Gary Ebensberger, Dr. Donald Bailey, Dr. Jerry McCoy, and now Dr. Karen Kenaston-French. My own high school choirs have benefitted from the immense musical knowledge that I received during Monday night rehearsals.
I’ll miss the friends I made, but I’ll be waving from the audience. I can’t wait to hear what the next 37 years are going to sound like!
Chi-Chi has served as the Soprano Section Leader for the Chorale since 2008. We are all grateful for her leadership role, and that she chose to be a part of “Schola” 37 years ago! Chi-Chi has also been the Head Director at Keller High School in Texas for 25 years, where her choirs have consistently won the U.I.L. Sweepstakes trophy, 1st Place trophies at music festivals in Texas, Florida and California, and have performed in England, Italy, France and Hawaii.